Welcome to the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia.
ACM Multimedia is the premier international conference in the area of multimedia within the field of computer science. Multimedia research focuses on integration of the multiple perspectives offered by different digital modalities including images, text, video, music, sensor data, spoken audio. Since 1993, ACM Multimedia has been bringing together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to present innovative research results and discuss recent advancements. A special part of the conference is the art program, which explores the boundaries of computer science and art.
The ACM Multimedia 2019 Conference will be held at the NICE ACROPOLIS Convention Center in Nice, France from 21-25 October 2019.
The program booklet is now available for download: ACM Multimedia 2019 Booklet
Theme: Engaging users with multimedia
- Emotional and social signals
- Multimedia search and recommendation
- Summarization, analytics, and storytelling
Theme: Multimedia experience
- Interactions and Quality of Experience
- Art and culture
- Multimedia applications
Theme: Multimedia systems
- Systems and middleware
- Transport and delivery
- Data systems management and indexing
Theme: Understanding multimedia content
- Multimodal fusion and embedding
- Vision and language
- Media interpretation
Highlights of ACM Multimedia 2019
- Scientific inclusiveness: We focus on top-quality international research that spans the full variety of the field of multimedia research, as represented by our four themes.
- Scientific quality: Reviewers follow explicitly formulated reviewer guidelines. Outstanding reviewers will be acknowledged at the conference awards ceremony.
- Scientific reproducibility: We are proud to announce that we will, for the first time, implement the ACM reproducibility badge system. More information is available on our Reproducibility website.
Please download the PDF version of the ACM MM 2019 flyer here.
Statement on Conference Environment:
The scientific value of ACM Multimedia is directly dependent on conference participants interacting with each other in an open-minded and respectful manner. In this way, we ensure a welcoming, safe conference environment.
Since ACM Multimedia is an ACM conference, attendees, speakers, organizers are bound by the ACM Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment. (https://www.acm.org/about-acm/policy-against-harassment). You will be asked to confirm your commitment to upholding the policy when you register. The policy covers interaction at the conference venue, but also related interaction, e.g., on social media. The policy is an explicit statement of our commitment, as a community, to inclusion and safety at the conference.
If you should experience or witness violations of the ACM Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment, it is important to communicate these to the ACM Multimedia organization. Please contact the general chairs (Benoit Huet, Laurent Amsaleg, Martha Larson). Specifically, this year, Martha (m.a.larson AT tudelft.nl) will be acting as ACM Multimedia’s first Inclusion and Accessibility chair. Her role will be as a dedicated contact point for anyone who would like to discuss their accessibility needs or specific experiences in the conference environment. General feedback is also welcome.